Hockey South Canterbury – Summer Hockey Competition 2024 

Information Sheet

Playing dates: Oct-29     Nov-5    Nov-12     Nov-19    Nov-26     Dec-3    

Competition Rules and Guidelines:​​​​​​​

• Four adults must be on the turf at any one time

• 15 minute halves timed by timers, 5 minute half time

• Six field players, no goalie required, unlimited substitutes

• NO hitting of the ball and no intentionally raised balls

• Goals must be scored from inside the circle

• Sticks can be provided


$ 160 per team

Registration/Payment Deadlines

Pre Xmas-Competition Registrations due Friday 25th October

Payments Within 7 days of receipt of invoice


All teams will be required to wear a team T-Shirt/Singlet or at least all players in the same colour top. Teams are required to submit this in the team entry form. 


Teams will be invoiced their entry fee.  These are due within 7 days of receipt.  You can pay at the HSC office on Tuesday night or online.  Details on the invoice. 


Draws will be available on the HSC Facebook page weekly and also emailed to team contacts. 


Any team needing to default a match must notify competition organiser Janelle Amalfitano 021 16 15 121 at least 12 hours before your game.

If the weather is not suitable for play cancellations will be posted on the Hockey South Canterbury Website and also on the Hockey South Canterbury Facebook page Team contacts will also be emailed.

Entries close on Friday 25th October 2024